Understaffed? Keep Going.

Keep playing Whitaker! There is no one available to be your backup! I don’t care how much it hurts, we are counting on each of you to stay in the game and give it all you have. Full speed. No time to look back and consider the previous play. We won some and lost some but we always kept playing the game the best we knew how.

They called us the dirty dozen. There were only 12 of us on my 8th grade football team. In the sparsely populated Texas Panhandle, we often traveled over 2 hours [one way] to play a game. Each of us played offense, defense, and special teams. Most teams we played were bigger, faster and had greater numbers. Only one player stayed on the sideline. It was usually the guy who had the most severe injury from the last game.

I was taught early in life that you cannot just take a break. You cannot even slow down. Does it feel like this in your work life somedays? I can recall several instances in my working career that my team was understaffed. I was being prepared for this in 8th grade and I appreciate that experience.

There is no replacement for you. Keep going. There is no one here to lighten your workload. Keep going. If you quit, you lose. Full speed. Keep going and know that someday, this season will be over.


The Black 40

According to a Google search, the average lifespan in the USA is presently calculated at 78 years. Today, I turned 40 years old so that means I am already beyond halfway through my expected life according to Google. When I was 18 and graduating from high school, I pictured my life to be a certain way when I turned 40. My expectations were met and I can honestly say that life has been good. I took an inventory of my life and this is what I came up with.

I pictured that I would be married to a woman that I love very much and she loved me back. CHECK!

I pictured that I would be the dad of some really awesome kids. Yep! CHECK!

I did not picture that I would be living in South Texas. I thought I would still be farming and ranching  in the Texas Panhandle instead of working in the veterinary medical industry.

I do hope that there is still some time to catch up with that farming and ranching aspiration. To somehow make that happen would be an awesome accomplishment over the next 40 years. Well, the ranching and farming part anyway. I am not so sure I would leave the paradise that exists down here below the 30th parallel. We have two seasons, hot and no so hot.

Here are some things that I consider a bonus that I never thought would happen to me:

I have built a fun and rewarding career in veterinary medicine that has provided well for my family for a few years now. BONUS!

I have traveled all over North America, Europe, Hawaii, and the Caribbean for recreational purposes. BONUS!

 I was able to enjoy learning and playing the sport of all sports in the Texas Rugby Union with an awesome group of mates at the San Antonio Rugby Football Club. BONUS!

 I was able to forge strong friendships with a few awesome people. BONUS!

 All of this I count, as blessings. I thank God for carrying my family and me through the good and bad. My first forty years have been one heck of a ride and I am excited about the next forty. Thank you to all of my friends and family who are always there for me and always support me…even when I am being a horse’s ass.